Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vintage Dave Murray interview 1993

Back in 1993 I was lucky enough to interview Dave Murray for a local student radio station. I wasn't involved with the station at all, and had no media experience, but my friend was a DJ there and knew that I was a rabid Maiden fan. When nobody at the station could come up with decent questions, my friend arranged for me to do the interview.

The interview was interesting because it took place when Maiden were "2 or 3 weeks" into the process of auditioning replacements for Bruce.

Anyway, fast-forward nearly 16 years and I have finally transferred the interview from audio cassette to mp3 format. I've uploaded it so that others can take a listen as well.

The interview is 24 minutes long. We cover the following topics:

1. How is the hunt for Bruce's replacement going?
2. How do you write new material when you don't know who the new singer will be?
3. How the band felt about the last tour with Bruce - did they feel like it was all about him rather than Maiden?
4. Rythym of the Beast and solo albums.
5. A discussion about Adrian Smith's solo career (he was out of the band at the time)
6. Playing a concert in New Zealand for the first time.
7. Single releases outside of the UK.
8. Other stuff that I can't be bothered typing

Get the interview from here: Dave93.mp3 (35.50 MB)

Remember: I was young, with no radio experience, and interviewing a man that I considered to be a God

SOURCE - Gimme Ed in NZ (Official IRON MAIDEN forummer)

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